By-Laws of the Manitoba Association For Behaviour Analysis

  • 1.1 The name of this organization is the Manitoba Association for Behaviour Analysis (MABA). The organization shall hereafter be referred to as “the Organization” or MABA.

  • 2.1 The purpose of the Organization is to develop and disseminate knowledge about experimental and applied behaviour analysis in Canada and primarily in the province of Manitoba. The Organization’s interests lie in the experimental analysis of behaviour, focusing on principles governing human and nonhuman behaviour, and in applied behaviour analysis, focusing on the application of those principles for improvement of socially important problems. Further, the Organization is committed to the dissemination of experimental and applied behaviour analysis and to stimulating interest in the field.

    Specifically, the Organization shall:

    1.Serve as a scientific and professional reference group for those who identify themselves as scientists, students, or practitioners in the field of behaviour analysis and for the interested public,

    2.Promote research and scholarship focused on the development of a coherent and progressive behaviour analytic science,

    3.Establish and maintain relations between behaviour–analytic organizations,

    4.Promote the development of a view of science that values a dynamic, ongoing interaction between its conceptual and applied elements, and between practical application and empirical knowledge,

    5.Promote the development in Manitoba of a community of scholars, researchers, educators, and practitioners who will work in a collegial, open, self-critical, non-discriminatory, and mutually supportive way to produce valued outcomes and to explore the additional implications of this work,

    6.Encourage high quality education and professional certification and licensing within the field of behaviour analysis,

    7.Advise political, legislative, and policy-making bodies with respect to matters pertaining to behaviour analysis,

    8.Organize an annual conference, edit newsletter, and maintain a website, and other such activities accomplishing the purposes of the Organization.

  • MABA membership is open to anyone with a demonstrated interest in behaviour analysis and who is committed to the goals of the Organization as stated above. The Organization is made up of full and affiliate (i.e., non-voting) members.

    Members of the Association shall be persons who:

    1. Are interested in the advancement of behaviour analysis, both from a scientific and a clinical perspective,

    2. Are in agreement with the objectives of MABA (as set out above), and

    3. Pay an annual fee as determined by the MABA Executive Council.

    ​3.1 Categories of Membership

    3.1.1 Full members: An individual who signs a declaration to support the organization and to obey its by-laws. These members at a minimum are: (1) students enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program with a focus on Behaviour Analysis, and (2) graduates of programs with a focus in Behaviour Analysis. Practitioners employed as Behaviour Analysts, Behaviour Therapists, Professors, Researchers, Psychologists, or other suitable candidates working in the field of BA will also be considered by the Executive Council. An applicant must complete a membership application and pay the membership fee. The council must approve the application.

    ​ Full members who are enrolled as an undergraduate or graduate student as defined above may apply for a membership at a reduced rate. Members who meet the criteria for a Student Membership will receive all rights and privileges of a Full Member.

    ​3.1.2 Affiliate members: Anyone who does not meet the criteria for full membership but would like to be involved, and signs a declaration to support the organization and obey its laws. Affiliate members may be donors, and those benefiting from ABA services or any way involved in the dissemination of the behaviour analysis and its applications.

    Membership fees are set by the Board of Directors of the Organization and paid to the Organization annually. Membership shall be considered without discrimination on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, political affiliation, or mental or physical disability.

    ​3.2 Membership Entitlements

    3.2.1 Full Members are entitled to:

    a. Be members of the Executive Council

    b. All entitlements of Affiliate members

    c. Select and vote for members of the Executive Council.

    3.2.2 Affiliate members are entitled to:

    a. Make recommendations with regards to the activities of MABA

    b. Take part in various activities organized by MABA

    c. Take advantage of the services provided by MABA

    3.3 MABA members have the following responsibilities:

    a. To obey the by-laws of the organization and the decisions made by the Executive Council

    b. To behave according to the rules for ethical practice according to the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) as well as to those of the Behavior Analysis Certification Board (BACB).

    c. To pay the annual membership fee. 

    3.4 Membership termination. 

    Membership with the Organization can be terminated for the following reasons:

    a. A written request is made from a MABA member to the Executive Council to be terminated as a member of the organization

    b. Non-payment of the membership fee for one year or more

    c. Decision of the Executive Council to exclude a member

    d. Dissolution of the organization

    ​3.5 Voting.

    All full members of MABA have voting rights. Each full member shall be entitled to one vote on all matters brought before the Organization. There shall be no proxy voting. The voting status of other members as it applies to particular issues may be decided by the Executive Council. Voting is organized by the MABA President and is conducted either by show of hands (for a public meeting) or electronically (via the MABA website or any other web-based application that the MABA Executive Council agree to use).

  • The governing body of MABA shall consist of an Executive Council comprised of a President, Past- President, President Elect, Executive Consultant, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Member-at-large, Sub-committee Chairs including Newsletter Chair, Conference Chair, and Public Relations Committee Chair. All members of the Executive Council as defined above shall constitute the voting members of the Executive Council.

    Each shall perform the usual duties of the respective office and specific duties provided elsewhere in these by-laws or as assigned by the Executive Council. Failure to perform duties within the assigned role may result in a request from the President or substitute to step down from the position.

    4.1 Executive Council Position Descriptions and Responsibilities

    President: with overall responsibility for the direction and development of MABA, to call and chair Executive Council meetings, serve as Vice Chair of the Public Relations Committee, organize working parties to deal with specific issues, organize a committee to hold annual conferences, organize a committee to edit bi-annual newsletters, and organize MABA Executive Council elections. 

    ​Past President: with responsibility to provide guidance to the President, President Elect, and MABA as requested by the President. 

    ​President Elect: with responsibility to attend meetings with the President and assist the President and MABA as needed. 

    Executive Consultant: with responsibility to attend Executive Council meetings and provide guidance to MABA as requested. 

    Treasurer: with responsibility to attend Executive Council meetings, manage the MABA account, collect membership fees and conference registration fees, and to liaise with other organizations and providers with regard to any financial matters. 

    Secretary: with responsibility to attend and take minutes for MABA Executive Council meetings, archive minutes and make them available to the Executive Council and MABA members. 

    Membership Chair: with responsibility to attend Executive council meetings, chair the Membership Committee, maintain the membership list, accept membership applications and fees, obtain information about members. 

    Member-at-large: with responsibility to attend Executive Council meetings, and participate with at least one task or activity for each committee. Each task or activity shall be specified by the respective committee.

    Newsletter Chair: with responsibility to coordinate and chair a committee of individuals to produce two newsletters annually. 

    Conference Chair: with responsibility to coordinate and chair a committee of individuals to hold an annual conference. 

    Public Relations Committee Chair: with responsibility to coordinate and chair a committee of individuals who oversee the organization’s public relations, including the development of MABA’s website, increasing awareness of Behaviour Analysis, addressing governmental affairs related to behaviour analysis, and organizing public presentations and publications.

    The Executive Council shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Organization, performing the duties and abiding by the limitations specified in these by-laws. Actions of the Executive Council that affect Organization policy are subject to approval by a majority vote of the full members either voting at the Executive Council meetings, or by a special electronic ballot as decided by the Executive Council. A request for an electronic ballot of the membership of the Association may be initiated by the Executive Council. Results of the electronic ballot that reports votes of over 50% of all voting members constitutes the final decision for the Organization with regard to that matter. Positions will be held for a minimum of one year with the option to carry on automatically for a second year. After a two-year period a mandatory nomination period will be opened. If more than two individuals are nominated or self-nominated for a given position, then an election should take place. The organization of the nomination and the election process will be established by the Executive Council when the time comes. 

    Meetings of the Executive Council should be held regularly and no less than four meetings should be held per year. Members of the Executive Council are required to attend and participate in all Executive Council meetings; a maximum of 3 absences may be permitted within a 1-year period due to unforeseen and/or exceptional circumstances. If a member is not able to physically attend an Executive Council meeting, he or she will make every attempt to join the meeting by using alternative methods (e.g., video conference). Failure to comply with this clause will result in a request from the President or substitute to step down from the position. A member of the Executive Council who has been asked to step down may be nominated or self-nominated for an executive role as early as the next term. The current executive board will vote on whether this nomination will be considered for the upcoming term. 

    The minimum number of Executive Council members present at the meeting to endorse a decision should be no fewer than sixty five percent (e.g., nine (9) out of the thirteen (13) voting members). In the event that co-chairs hold an Executive Council position, all members of the co-chairing team will be able to vote. In case of a tie, the President’s vote is decisive. No proxy voting is allowed. 

    ​4.1.2 Special Committees 

    Special committees will be established by the Executive Council to pursue specific goals of the Organization. Such committees will have a chair appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Council.

    Regarding matters related to licensing and policies affecting the practice of ABA in Manitoba, an advisory committee consisting of the President, Past President, President Elect, Executive Consultant and other members as requested, will convene when necessary and as directed by the President, to discuss such matters and report to the Executive Council. The chair of this Committee must be a member of the Executive Council.

  • 5.1 Elections for President Elect and for selected posts at the Executive Council will be held every year in the month of December. Each President Elect will serve during one year, turning into President the second year and to Past President during the final year of his or her service at the Council. Selected appointments at the Executive Council will be voted concurrently with President elections. 

    ​5.2 Three months before an election, members of the Executive Council will be encouraged to proactively request nominations from suitable individuals. These actions will be reported as a standing agenda item during the three Executive Council meetings preceding an election. Nominations and self-nominations from the MABA membership will be submitted through a purposely-created online form. The link to the form will be sent to all members three, two, and one months before the scheduled Election Day. Nominations and self-nominations of nonmembers will be accepted under the condition that the prospective candidate becomes a MABA member before becoming President. In the event that no suitable candidates are identified two weeks before the scheduled Election Day, the Executive Council could vote to either extend the nomination period or to identify two acting Presidents from the members of the Executive Council that will serve during two successive six-month periods until the election process is re-initiated the following year. 

    5.3 Presidential candidates will have a behavioural background including two or more of the following as indicated in their CVs: (1) academic merits (training at the MA level or higher), (2) work experience, and (3) degrees and credentials specific to the field of behaviour analysis. Eligible candidates will be screened by the President, who will decide when and how the candidate information should be made available to the MABA membership in time for the upcoming election process. Once a nominee acquires candidate status he or she will provide a statement summarizing his or her plans. The statement will be made available to all members through the email and website. 

    5.4 Elections to the Executive Council of the organization are made in a secret vote by full members. The number of candidates to the Executive Council is not limited. 

    5.5 The term of office for the members of the Executive Council finishes with a vote of acceptance of accounts for the outgoing Executive Council. 

    5.6 In case of resignation, termination, or death of a member of the Executive Council during his/ her term, the Executive Council will appoint a substitute and elections for that post will be held during the next scheduled President elections. 

    The President Elect shall fulfill the duties of the President in case of the President's absence (lengthy or brief), incapacity, or resignation until the end of the President’s term, at which point the President Elect shall move to the President’s position. In this case, council may hold an election, by a two-thirds vote, to identify a new President Elect. In the event that a President Elect is not identified prior to the end of the President’s term, nominations will be solicited from the membership.

  • 6.1 In order to enhance and evolve the field of behaviour analysis, the Organization will hold a scientific conference every year. 

    6.2 The Organization should hold at least one Annual General Meeting for the transaction of business and to make representations regarding developments in its activities. 

    ​6.3 The Organization may engage in activities designed to accomplish its purposes, including:

    •  Establishing or acquiring newsletters, journals, and other publications

    •  Establishing and maintaining websites, e-lists, and other information media

    •  Facilitating any relevant education and training criteria including promoting public education 

    The Executive Council may provide for the formation and dissolution of student affiliate groups, special interest groups, and other committees and units within the Organization.

  • 7.1 The Annual General Meeting serves as the organization's highest decision-making body – it consists of full members and non-voting members. This meeting will serve to establish yearly goals for the organization and vote on Executive Council.

  • 8.1 In order for written statements of will and documents with regard to rules and financial responsibilities of the organization to be valid, the signatures of two members of the Executive Council, including the President, are required. 

  • 9.1 Amendments to the current by-laws can be made at any regular scheduled Executive meeting or at the Annual General Meeting. The decision must be endorsed by at least 65% of voting members present.

  • 10.1 Dissolution of the organization can take place by the terms of a resolution made by the Annual General Meeting with the majority of 3/4 votes if at least 2/3 of its members are present. 

    10.2 If a resolution is made to dissolve the organization, the Annual General Meeting decides the manner in which the liquidation of assets will be conducted, if applicable.